Maximizing Growth without Impacting Quality
The Benefit of Adding Far Red to your Microgreen Operation Microgreens continue to be one of the top growth markets in horticulture, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.67%. These younger forms of produce are sought out by chefs and consumers alike for their...
Cultivation, Microgreens, Other
Growing Horticultural Market Increasing the Need for Performance Based Certifications
DLC Is The New Standard For Running A Quality Operation The popularity of indoor farming is on the rise, as a variety of spaces, including warehouses, shops and offices, are adapted for growing. Artificial lighting, specifically LEDs, has become a critical component in these environments,...
Is Indoor Farming the Solution to Food Scarcity?
Six years ago, the United Nations pledged to end hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition by 2030. Unfortunately, the world is nowhere near achieving this goal, with climate variability, supply chain issues, and economic slowdowns impacting the progress. The pandemic has only made this gap even...
Exploring LED Technology – Blurple vs. Full Spectrum
LED technology is an exciting and evolving subject. In our blog, Choosing the Right LED for your company we explored the importance of looking at materials, warranty, and certifications that form a quality LED fixture. However, that is only one piece of the large LED...
Leaf Surface Temperature – The Overlooked Variable
Is Your Thermometer Leading You Astray? Do you know the temperature of your leaves? When growers convert to LEDs, it’s fairly common to use only a standard thermometer to evaluate if the space is warm enough. But leaf surface temperature is something that is often...