Cultivate the Future: The Power of Horticultural Lighting in Modern Agriculture with Saeid Mobini Join our Horticultural Lighting Webinar to discover how LED technology can optimize plant growth, enhance sustainability, and improve crop yields. This live session, hosted by Ryan Kirwan, CEO of Aelius LED,…
Pollination in Indoor Farming: Enhancing Growth with LED Grow Lights
As many know, pollination is a critical process for the reproduction of many plants, but what is the process in a tightly controlled environment? Today we’re going to be discussing how plants go through pollination when indoor farming! In the absence of natural pollinators like…
Embracing Weeds: Unveiling Their Hidden Contributions to Indoor Farming
In the realm of agriculture, weeds have long been regarded as the arch-nemesis of crop cultivation. They attack fields, compete for resources, and can slow the growth of desired plants. As we dig deeper into the intricacies of indoor farming, however, we begin to see…