Getting Out of the Dark Ages with Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management No matter how compliant your facility, and how strong your sanitation and control methods are, pests still seem to find a way to sneak in. Managing pests is the blight of almost every commercial grower. The past few years has revealed that...
Commercial Cannabis, Cultivation
Are you really exploring all variables before selecting cultivars? Setting up your commercial operation is a substantial investment in time and research - not to mention cash! The introduction of new cultivars into your production line is an essential part of this process. Strain selection...
Nutrients Part 2: Empowering Commercial Growers with the Science Behind Calcium and Potassium
Growing cannabis is a combination of craft and science. It is about discovering the attributes of each plant, and bringing out their full genetic potential. Last week, we discussed two key nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus, that play a critical role in this journey. However, these...
Pushing the Limits: Why Commercial Growers Need to Adopt a Scientific Approach to Nutrients.
The term N-P-K is often thrown around like they are the ABC’s of nutrients, which in a way they are. These three nutrients provide the foundation for what plants need to thrive. Using a prepared N-P-K mixture is similar to popping a multivitamin. This strategy...